Friday, February 21, 2014

How did slavery affect the social and economic development of the south?
Some people got rich and some got poor then the ones that got poor moved away. The people that got poor moved away to the big cities and looked for a job they would get paid for.And when the owner would fire the slaves they would run away from there because the owners would still be mean to them even if they weren't there slaves anymore.
                 How did industry, technology, and landscape affect human actions?

If they didn't have any slaves they wouldn't been able to make the buildings they would make. They wouldn't have been able to because the slaves were the ones that would do all the work. And they wouldn't have been able to build the mansion from charles drayton. Also Charles Drayton wouldn't have been rich just because no it was because of the slaves that would do work for him for free. It was easy for him because he lived by the river which made it easy to get water for the crops and the river worked for transportation which made it easy to go to places.

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