Friday, February 28, 2014

Boron Element Discription

Element Name: Boron

Atomic Number: 5

Chemical Symbol: B

Atomic Mass: 10,811 AMU

Melting Point: 2300.o°C

Boiling Point: 2550.o°C

Density: 2.34 g/cm3
Is It A Metal, Metalloid, Or NonMetal?Boron Is A Metalloid

Is It A Solid, Liquid or Gas?Boron Can Exist In All Three Things

What Period Is It In?Period 2

What Family Or Group Is It In?Group 13

By Who? In What Year? And Where Was It Discovered?Boron Was Discovered By Joseph Louis Gay Lussac Louis Jaques Thenard, French Chemists, And Independently By Sir Humphrey Davy, An English Chemists, In 18o8.Boron Description

Boron is used in pyrotechnics and flares to produce a green color. Boron is also used in rockets as an ignition source. Boron filaments are used in the aerospace industry because of their high strength and lightweight. Boron nitrite can be used to make a material as hard as diamond. Boron compounds are extensively used in the manufacture of enamels and borosilicate glasses. Boron compounds are used in production of enamels for covering steel of refrigerators, washing machine, etc.

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