Tuesday, February 4, 2014


      There are better ways of communicating with friends and family then there was back then. Can you just imagine how it would be without Facebook, twitter and Instagram? It would be really boring without these social Medias. All of these social Medias are very helpful to communicate. Which social media do you think is the best way of communicating?
      One of my favorite ways of communicating is Facebook. The reason is because you can text people on Facebook. For example, I like texting on Facebook because you can see when people see your message and if there typing already. Also you can see when you sent the message and if they saw it and they just don’t want to text you back. Another example of why I like Facebook is because you can block people you don’t like texting.
       Another way I like communicating is by a phone call. One reason is because you can tell a person something without being shy or scared to tell them. Also because it’s much faster than texting someone and it is faster because when your texting you have to wait to get your message and it takes a while to receive it and with a phone call you can tell them anything without waiting on them.
       I know you might think the best way of communicating is with letters but I think Facebook is the best way. Letters are not the best way of communicating because when you send a letter to someone it could take days to get to them. Also because letters now in days cost money. That’s why I think the best way of communicating is with Facebook because it is free you don’t have to pay anything for it. Also because on Facebook once you send a message it immediately sends it you don’t have to wait for days to get to them.
      All in all, these are my favorite ways of communication. Also, I think the way of communication we have now is better than the one back then. I think it’s better because we can communicate way faster.

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